Monday, May 20, 2013

interview 5

 Alberto Morales
1.How old were you during Kennedy's presidency? 18
2. What do you remember from this time? The Cuban Missile Crisis
3.What did you think of it? He thought we were going to be another war with Russia.
4. Did you know anyone who was drafted to Vietnam? yes i was drafted, but did not go to the war because i was qualified as the head of the house since i was raising and supporting my two younger sisters. My best friend was drafted to the was and worked as a mail man in Vietnam.
5. What do you remember about the space race?  He remembers when they first sent the monkey to the moon. He also remembers when Lance Armstrong first walked the moon. He said it was funny because he said the quote wrong. "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind."
6.How do you feel about slavery? i think it was a very unfortunate time. No human should treat another human so poorly.
7. What was your over all view on Kennedy? Made great decisions, good president, first catholic president.
8. What do you remember about Nixon? Nixon had a house in San Clemente, I also remember they named a dish at El Adobe after him.
9. What do you remember about Watergate? Remembers that after the scandal it was hard for him to have confidence and trust in other presidents.

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