Monday, May 20, 2013

Perspective 2

The Great Society was promoted by Democrats, there were two major goals that wanted to be addressed. the first problem they wanted to address was elimination of poverty, and radical injustices. As a fellow republican i did not agree nor support these beliefs that Johnson was trying to enforce. New major spending programs, education programs, and medicare programs were all trying to be solved during his presidency. Although Johnson was trying to win every classes vote, he was promoting things that were unrealistic. Many ignorant people voted for him because they knew he was democrat and supported poor and middle class people. This is when i realized that our president should not be represented by his party, but by his policies. President Johnson was also a very liberal president; many democrats were encouraged by his Great Society plans. Even though he was well respected by the democrats, many republicans started hating him more and more. i remember sitting at meeting with several republicans, and we all thought the more new programs he introduced the greater in debt we would be. Thus my reasoning for not agreeing with Johnson's Great Society policies.

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