Monday, May 13, 2013


The era between 1962-1975 was a series of many events leading up to many accomplishments that are important to our United States history today. Events include the Space Race, Civil Rights Movement, John F. Kennedy's assassination, Women's Rights, and the Vietnam War. Civil Rights was significant because it lead the freedom of African Americans, which made our country peaceful and free, as the United States should be. The space race was significant because the Soviet Union sent the first satelite to outer space. The U.S. felt they needed to beat them in something involving space, thus they sent man to the moon.tWomen's rights were very limited in this era and luckliy the women's rights movementt happened and things changed; the 19th amendmant passed and it gave the women the right to vote. In conclusion all these events have been significant to our world today. Some of these events were brutal and horrid but we stilll stand stong as a union.

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