Monday, May 20, 2013

perspective 3

Living through president Johnson's presidency was a great honor. As a women you could imagine my days, i was always looked down upon,and was treated as if i knew nothing about politics. In fact i always got made fun of for knowing more about them than my husband did. Anyways his Great Society was a big change for many of us. Even though i was capable of voting, you would be surprised all the remarks you would get if you were a women trying to vote. I always tried to stay away from unnecessary trouble leading my decision to not voting. As a young women i also  remember seeing several men being drafted into the Vietnam war. It was a very hard time, since my husband and I became married at a young age he was nearly sent to the war, his flat feet were the only thing that saved him. Although a lot of men were drafted it was not president Johnson who brought us into the war, therefor many people started to understand it was not his fault completely. Over all Johnson did a great job during his presidency, he promoted many new plans and was a well rounded president.

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